RAMS reviews / RAMS Writing / COSHH Assessments
and production of accompanying MSDS

Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) are a fundamental part of any day to day activity or operation. They are essentially what is known as a safe system of work. This has been developed into making sure your workforce are aware of how a task is carried out and the risks associated with the task itself.

It is a legal requirement to show how you are going to carry out a task whilst lowering and even eradicating the risk of harm so far as is reasonably practicable.

A COSHH assessment is a step by step examination of a task or process that involves using a potentially hazardous substance, for example a cleaner in an office using bleach and other cleaning products.

A COSHH assessment is carried out for the purpose of identifying any hazardous substances you or a member of staff  may be using in the day to day processes of your job. It helps identify whether the precautions you have taken are acceptable and what control measures are already in place.  It will then advise you what extra measures are required in order to minimise the risks either completely or to a level that is deemed acceptable.

“It is a legal requirement to show how you are going to carry out a task whilst lowering and even eradicating the risk of harm so far as is reasonably practicable.”


Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is a technical document that provides detailed and comprehensive information on a controlled product related to:

  • Health effects of exposure to the product
  • Hazard evaluation related to the product’s handling, storage or use
  • Measure to protect workers at risk of exposure
  • Emergency procedures

These can be provided alongside the COSHH assessments to enable the person carrying out the task to be fully aware of what the product is and how to use it safely. Maltby Professional Services can help create or review any existing RAMS and COSHH assessments to make sure that all control measures are in place. This gives you the peace of mind that your staff working activities are able to be carried out in the safest possible way.